By request of a friend of NonasNote I am bringing you a new pattern~
~NonasNote~ Large Triangle Scarf~
Let's Get Started:
Here's what you will need~
1. Large Crochet Hook, for this I used a the largest hook that I had, unfortunately it doesn't have the size on it, but I used the biggest one I could find. The larger the hook, the larger the stitch~
2. 1 skein of yarn (364 yards) I used Red Heart "coral"
3. You can make this scarf as big as you want it, modify it, make it your own, that's the fun part of crochet!
Here we go!
1. Chain 3 for beginning chain, last two chains count as first (dc) in next row, ch 2 yarn over
2. 1st row: Insert hook 3rd chain from the hook, 2 (dc) in first chain = 3 (dc) in second row, ch 2 yarn over turn.
3. 2nd row: First two chains(count as first dc now and throughout) dc in first st, 2 dc's in nex st,
dc in last chain. chain 2 yarn over, turn = 5 dc's
3. 3rd row: 2 dc in next ch from hook, dc, 2 dc, dc in last, ch 2, yarn over, turn.= 7dc
4. 4th row: dc in next ch from hook, 2 dc in next ch, dc, 2dc in next, dc 2 times ending the row, ch 2, yarn over, turn = 9 dc
5. 5th row: dc in next ch from hook, 2 dc in next ch, dc in next 3 ch, 2 dc in next ch, dc in last 2 chs, ch2, yarn over, turn = 11 dc
6. 6th row: *dc in next ch from hook, 2 dc in next ch, dc in next 6 ch, 2 dc in next ch, dc in last 2 chs, ch 2, yarn over, turn* = 13 dc
7. 7th row and throughout, repeat from *
Notice all that you are doing is increasing the stitches by two in each row. Continue on in this fashion until you have the size of the scarf that you would like. Add different colors, add fringe, whatever you like, make it your own.
*Note* usually when I get the size desired, I top the last row with single stitches, just to tidy it up~
Please remember, I don't sell patterns, I'm not a pro at writing them. Just pulling them from the file in my head to share with those who are interested.
Nona @