Thursday, August 18, 2011

Recycled T-shirts and other fab fabric finds~

For those who know me, you know how much I love to crochet.  Lately, though, I've just had this curiousity to experiment with other fabrics.  I have a lot a lot a lot of yarn stacked in my workshop, but what about fabric?  Do I have any fabric to play around with????  Hmmmmmmmm

After pondering for quite a while, I realized I had bags and bags full of clothing that I had been meaning to utilize in some way.  So, I decided what a better way to use than "reuse", so off I went on my little creative adventure.

At first I decided I wanted to make infinity jersey scarves.  I made a few, and can't wait to make more.  But then I decided I wanted to make something a weeee bit different, I decided on cutting up and creating super fun neck scarf (enter backslash here) shoulder fringe scarves and I absolutely love them.  Here's a few pics of my newest creations, not yet available for purchase, but with a lit'l work, they will be ready in no time at all.

After I finisehd several several of these, I felt like maybe doing some wool felting, so this is something else I created today.  Absolutely adorable, soft, and perfect for the fall and winter seasons.
After wool felting for a while, I also decided I wanted to utilize some fabric that my amazing and creative sister in law sent me.  So here's what I created with just a bit of that.

Needless to say, I had a super great day creating fun and authentic accessories.  I can't wait to photograph these items being worn and look forward to creating listings for my Etsy shop~ 

Hmmmmm, I wonder what tomorrow has in store for me *big smiles*

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