Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Bit Of An Update~

I have been very busy all week creating some NonasNote Newbies.  Tonight, the night before photographing and listing, I am spending my time on finishing touches.  I have a couple of new halters to list.  One is an absolute HOT piece.  I'm so excited to share.  The other halter tops are like the Lilac Halter I listed last week, but in different colors.  This week I also decided to create a couple of triangle scarflettes that slip right over the head so there is no tying necessary~  I will also be listing a very "peachy" mesh dress, perfect for a bathing suit cover, most definitely a beachy accessory~  Hmmm, what else?  Oh, I also created three pieces that are smaller versions of my "triangle neckscarves", for the girl who likes the dramatic look, just not so much of it *smiles*.  I'm hoping to also create and finish a couple more pieces tonight, depending on how long I can keep my eyes open.

So here's to tomorrow~and~NonasNote Newbies~  I can't wait to share.

Sincerest of blessings,


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